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What is a Lever Hoist?

What is a Lever Hoist?

A Lever Hoist is a piece of high-quality equipment used to lift and lower heavy loads without the aid of machinery. Lever Hoists have the ability to lift items in most positions, including horizontally. Different from the Chain Block or Hoist, which can only lift items vertically, the Lever Hoist's ability to lift items horizontally is a great benefit. 

A Level Hoist is usually fitted with a heavy-duty safety cap to hold your items comfortably and a top swivel connection which will allow easy lifting from all angles. The hand wheel can then be turned to release or retract as much chain length as required. The ratchet lever attached to the side of the lever hoist allows the chain to be free-willed when placed in the neutral position. When placed in the up position, it tightens the chain allowing the load to be lifted with the tension. 

Finally, to lift the load, crank the heavy-duty lever until your load has reached a suitable height. To lower the load, the ratchet lever must be switched to the downward position and the heavy-duty lever cranked to lower the chain.

Here's a video from one of our experts on how to use one of our 750KG Industrial Quality Lever Hoists:

Our Range of Lever Hoists  

They're available to hire if you only need to use a lever hoist for a short period of time. To hire one of our lever hoists, simply click 'hire me' on the product page and then 'enquire' once you get to the checkout. One of our team will then get in touch to provide you with a quote for hiring a lever hoist. 

If you'd like any more information about lever hoists or how you can hire one, just get in touch with us today or call us on 0808 123 69 69. 

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